Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quiet Finally

It's 530 am and I finally have quiet. Tyler is snoring in the monitor but that doesn't seem to hurt my ears. I've been highly sensitive to sound the past couple of days. Anytime more than one person talks to me or if the noise level reaches a certain point, I start to have pain in my ears. Weird! I've had a slight headache so I'm wondering if it really has been a migraine that is just manifesting as sensitivity to sound.

With that all said, I've had a horrible time trying to control my temper and finding some patience for my family. I can't hear what they say well which frustrates me and if things are too loud around me it hurts my ears and frustrates me. I have been grinding my teeth every time Rachel starts to "hum". It's so cute. She just starts to hum and as she gets into it, the hum turns into singing and eventually screeching. She happily amuses her self with it. The past couple of days I've gotten to the point of snapping at her to stop after asking 2 or 3 times to stop because my ears hurt. She is four and still doesn't truly understand the concept that something loud can hurt mom. Hopefully this sensitivity will go away soon and I can go back to just grinding teeth when the screeching part starts.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well, I'm starting this more as a therapy than anything else. I have two young kids, a husband, my mother and her two cats, a sick dog, and two cats of my own. My young girl is a wonderfully independent and knows exactly what she wants more than she should at her age. My young boy was 12 weeks early and has over come the most amazing obstacles in life. My husband is my soul mate and though I forget to tell him often, I love him to pieces. Mom moved in about three years ago because she lost the financial means to live on her own. It's been tough to adjust but we are making it work. Her two cats and my two cats do not get along well, so we play warden with which two cats can roam around. The dog over the last few months has been plagued with tumors and will be going through surgery this week among her other issues.

I'm a busy mom. I love to craft and make things and slowly I'm starting to find a balance that allows me to have some time to myself. Usually my day is filled with running kids around to various places and doctors. Then there is the dishes, laundry, and cleaning that seems to always take more time than anticipated. Not my favorite task to play house keeper. I take the kids out a lot to play and try to remember everyday to play with them one on one. Some days it's really hard to stop long enough to do that. Other days I get lost in it. I love how they do something to make me laugh uncontrollably. This past fall we took a short weekend trip to the mountains where my daughter asked us where the lava was and if we are safe from the volcanoes. We were in the White Mountains in New Hampshire, but all I could do was laugh. Other times they frustrate the living day lights out of me. The past couple of days they have both been loud and needy and it has been hard not to want to lock myself in the bathroom for a minute to get away from them. Like right now my daughter has chosen to work on figuring out who letters work into making words. So instead of working on this I must put something down to help her out. So bye for now.